Half Day Golf
School 2009 |
Half Day Golf School - NEW!
$185 per person.
up with a friend and pay only $150 each!
Here's what clients are saying:
taken golf instructions from several different pros over the years.
Your are TOPS! Your have a wonderful, caring manner with your precise
instruction. You are most encouraging to the struggling golfers! That
means so much! Keep up the great work"
- Carol, High Point, NC
Click here to reserve your place in a Half Day Golf School
What can you learn
in just six hours? Gain a better understanding of your golf swing by
seeing it on DVD. Learn drills you can do to help you be more
consistent and hit the ball farther. Master the short game techniques to
lower your score. Learn valuable course management strategies to help
you enjoy the game more. Better understand the psychology of a
winner. The 6 hour weekend golf school is fun,
valuable, and cost effective. With a class size ratio of 6:1,
enjoy individual attention.
Half Day
Golf Schools will be on Saturdays 9:30am-3:30pm. Six hours of
instruction, all learning material, range balls, and lunch are all
included for one price.
In this six
hour class, you will cover putting, bump and run shots, pitching, full
swings, and course management strategies. You will be given a DVD of
your swing to take home along with a practice plan for improvement.
Lunch is included.
Rates: $185 or sign up with a friend
and pay only $150 each!
Six hour session. Class Size Ratio 6:1
Half Day Golf School Dates
All Golf School Times are
Saturdays 9:30am - 3:30pm
Lunch is included!
Sat March 21st
Sat April 18th
Sat May 23rd
Sat June 27th
Sat July 25th
Sat Aug 29th
Click here to reserve your place in a
Half Day
golf school!