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The Big Bust - I Mean Big Break III


I have just finished watching the first episode of the Big Break III, a reality golf TV show brought to you by the Golf Channel.  I know a little something about the show. I submitted an application on line, answering a long list of questions and writing a few short essays. Much to my surprise, I was selected to go to Kings Mill, VA for a personal audition and interview. Although I did not make the final selection, I was proud to have come that far and was thrilled when an acquaintance of mine, Danielle, DID get on the show.


I waited with great anticipation tonight, expecting to see a fun show that highlighted golf dreams, and women with exceptional golf swings.  What I saw was short skirts, bikinis, and close ups, not of golf shots but of cleavage.  Required to wear skirts?  Had to wear bikinis?  What happened to the story about golf?  Even the exceptional talent of my friend was overshadowed by the camera panning in on her bust. 


Watching the show made me sad.  It made me think of the initial idea of the Big Break.  They took a handful of hopefuls and gave them a chance to tell their story on national TV while letting them have a shot at achieving their destiny based on their talent and determination. Several of the men from the original show received sponsorship and opportunity to pursue their profession. They were respected for their talent and abilities.  Their stories of sacrifice touched many hearts.  It was a good show that was able to shine some light on those going for such a lofty dream as playing the tour.


 Many of the women who applied for The Big Break III went on the show simply for the exposure, hoping that they too could attract the sponsorship that so rarely comes to a women’s mini tour player. They are getting their chance, but is it the same Big Break?

I watched many episodes of the men’s show.  Never once did I see anything that might be considered “sexy”.  Is this where the game of golf is going?  What about the tours?


Since when do we see the camera pan in on Tiger’s shaking behind when he executes a good shot?  Why can’t we see Phil licking his lips in slow motion before he makes a putt?  Why do the women have to go to this level to even get a chance to achieve their dream?


I have the utmost respect for the professionals who made it on the Big Break III, but I am embarrassed that they have been placed in that type of a show. Their talent is not the focus; their stories of struggle are not the focus.  Thus far, their bodies are the focus.  I was just hoping for the same professionalism shown towards the men in the other Big Break shows.


The Big Break III has been a let down already. They should call it as it is… The Big Bust III, coming at you every Tuesday night at 9pm… viewer discretion is advised.

-Anne Marie Goslak

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